The 5 Best Trails for Kids on the Grand Canyon North Rim

Looking for good trails for kids on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon? Here are our picks!

  • Transept Trail: While the Transept Trail extends a bit further than this, your best bet is to hike from the campground to the lodge (or vice versa) on the Transept Trail along the rim, which is 1.5 miles long one way (3 miles roundtrip). You might want to keep smaller children contained in hiking carriers due to drop-offs along the rim, but younger children who know how to hold hands can walk a great deal of this on their own. When walking back, you can take the Bridle Trail if you prefer something less treacherous.

  • Bright Angel Point Trail: Not to be confused with Bright Angel Trail on the South Rim, Bright Angel Point Trail is a stunning walk that lets visitors view the Inner Gorge and get a sense of how the Grand Canyon was shaped. It is 0.5 miles roundtrip, but don’t let the short distance fool you: Bright Angel Point Trail is surprisingly steep. Guard rails are absent in most parts of the trails, so be sure to hold the hands of your more adventurous little hikers and put the smallest ones in hiking carriers. Though a small stroller is a possibility, the trail is narrow (and again, steep), making it hard to push around others, so it is best to leave the stroller behind. Remember the elevation is high and the air is thin, so pace yourself on the trail and take breaks when needed.

  • Bridle Trail: The entirety of the trail runs further than the campground, but we would recommend the portion that connects the campground with the lodge (about a mile one way). Unlike the Transept Trail, both leashed dogs and bikes are allowed on the Bridle Trail. There isn’t much of a view, but it is a safe trail for your child to run free along without worrying about a canyon fall.

  • Cape Royal Trail: This paved trail is friendly to strollers and wheelchairs, but not dogs. You will get stunning views of the Canyon, including a spectacular shot of Angels Window. This trail is only 1 mile roundtrip and is highly recommended.

  • Cliff Springs Trail: Less crowded than some of the others is the Cliff Springs Trail, which takes you on a safe and great-for-kids journey just under the rim. The greenery on this trail is something not to be missed. Another short trail at just 1 mile long, this is a great one to let the kids walk without having to worry much.

  • Widforss Trail: This trail is 5 miles one way (10 miles roundtrip), so we would not suggest doing this whole hike with younger children unless they are in a hiking carrier. However, older children and parents carrying children in carriers will enjoy this mostly-level hike through the forest. It is relatively safe and relaxing, and if you have younger children, simply plan on either carrying them or only hiking in part of the way.


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